About Us
Going green has become the latest motto of the decade for every country as humankind is advancing towards a smart world.
Sensing the lack of sustainable and clean energy solutions in society, many start-up companies have emerged in the last decade that claims to offer sustainable clean energy solutions to their customer.
Electric Vehicles (EVs) are claimed to be one of the biggest gamechanger in the mobility space offering a sustainable alternative to high-priced petrol and gases as their fuel source.
Comprised of lithium-ion batteries as its primary type, EVs emit considerable amounts of CO2 when utilized, and is probably the EV industry’s worst kept secret.
Though EV batteries do not pollute the environment as much as their fossil-fuel engine-based counterparts, they aren’t green, as all the metals used in EVs are sourced traditionally.
With the majority of people rapidly switching their vehicles to electric ones, the problem of battery waste management is a growing issue.
When the life-cycle of any device ends, EV batteries used in those vehicles are considered hazardous.
Recently a new report has predicted that around 100-120 GWh of electric vehicle batteries will be retired by 2030, which is a volume roughly equivalent to current annual battery production. This estimate worried a lot of industry giants as they had either entered the EV market or were ready to soon.
Taking the account these recurring situations soon, many Top EV Battery Recycling Companies in India have started their operations in the recent few years.

Clean, practical, secure, and eco-friendly on-site remedy
Amazing Recycling is now considered among the most trusted and counted names in the scrap trading industry. We deliver superlative services in just a short period mainly, in the Delhi NCR region. Our team has a full range of scrap disposing solutions, trying our level best to save our mother nature and deliver the best of it to its children.